About Us

The Moroccan Association for Applied Sciences and Innovation (MAASI) is an academics and researchers community from different fields, including Social and Humanity Sciences, Economy, Marketing and Management, Engineering and Mathematics, Computer Sciences, Engineering and Physical Sciences, Chemistry, Biology, Geology, Geography & History, and Environmental Sciences.

After the first edition of International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research, held in July 7-8, 2018, Rabat (IAV), Morocco. The participants propose to create a group to share experiences and difficulties. from this date, the participants worked to create this association.

The MAASI’s Missions, Goals, and main activities include:

  • Organizing scientific meetings to help expand knowledge, share scientific research, and ensure a valuable and constructive network for future fruitful cooperation and partnership.
  • Organizing training and workshops to develop capacities and build skills in scientific communication and writing methods, reference management, Statistical tools and Software, career development, and scientific publication.
  • Publication of journals and proceedings